

This article talks about common nutrition mistakes by cyclists helping them give their best for each ride:

• Overdoing the night before: Your body can store only a limited amount of carbs, and if you eat more carbs than the required amount then you might feel bloated the next day. Also, it may affect your sleep and rest time.

• Late breakfast: For a ride that is going to start steady and easily digesting breakfast like porridge helps to keep you full for 60 minutes before you set off. But for a ride where you are going to set off early and start more briskly or go into a climb then you should be aiming to allow two to three hours for digestion.

• Trying something new: Don’t try anything new which you haven’t tested during your training. As you are going to push your body too hard, so avoid putting additional strain on your digestive system.

• Cycling too hard: Riding too hard is the number one reason for digestive distress. Your digestive system is unable to process or take on any fuel, making you feel nauseous and bloated. So stick to the same training ride intensity and don’t push too hard on the event day.

• Too many gels: Too many of them can lead to an upset stomach. They are fast-acting, so save them near the end of the ride to boost your performance maybe before a tough climb. Focus on nutrition and consume real foods as they are easy on your stomach.

• Don’t wait until you are hungry: Take small snacks after every 20-30 minutes right from starting a long ride. Food takes time to become energy so snacking will help prevent you from riding on an empty stomach.

• Research the route: If you research your route, then you will be able to plan your fuel for the ride accordingly.

• Don’t skip a feed: No matter how close you are to the finish line, the basic thumb rule is to never miss a feed.

• Have a recovery drink: If you don’t have a recovery drink, then you are compromising on your muscle recovery and might indulge in a sugar binge later. So, it’s important to finish with a recovery drink post a 90-minute ride or an intense session.

All the best for your next ride!


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  • 5 star review  NCC - the name is synonymous with zeal and passion of the ever growing cycling community in Noida. This platform not only helps the regular riders but also aims in strengthening the amateur riders like me. It's a delight to be a part of weekend rides, which include riders from all ages. While someone has rightly mentioned: 'Four wheels move the body, two-wheels ride the soul' I would like to add to this by saying, " Riding two-wheels with engine is easy.The real power comes when you paddle and become its engine." That's what cycling does to you. Noida Cycling Club is not just a community to increase number of riders, it ensure the safety, comfort and building confidence in all its members to have a prodigious riding experience. Well done to the ride coordinators, who act as the back bone of this Club.

    Priyanka Kumar Avatar Priyanka Kumar
    January 24, 2018

    5 star review  NCC is professionally run by very very passionate members on a more than voluntary basis. Enjoy being a part of the club which enjoyes the presence of Randoneurs and Super- Randoneurs..

    Sachin Deshpande Avatar Sachin Deshpande
    July 27, 2017

    5 star review  Hey . Great Cycling Club. Looking forward to Cycling Shop by Aman Puri . Cheers

    Miniondeep Singh Avatar Miniondeep Singh
    July 22, 2017
  • 5 star review  Awesome people . They organise various rides, and keep mixing and matching to get just the right combination always .

    Gupta Abhishek Avatar Gupta Abhishek
    June 25, 2017

    5 star review  Great Job Guys . Abhishek told me you fellas do a neat job. Cheers .

    Rishabh Mishra Avatar Rishabh Mishra
    June 11, 2017

    4 star review  Aman Puri , the Chief Cycling Officer runs a great YouTube page and INCUBATES certain riders to take over the mantle from him while he develops his branded/customised biking store in Noida . There are certain issues within NCC members w.r.t leadership roles but that merely causes a rating of 4/5 nothing else. Their WhatsApp group is very strict too, think a hundred times before clicking on the link to add yourself. Thanks . Hope this helped .

    Manny Singh Khalsa Avatar Manny Singh Khalsa
    May 28, 2017
  • 5 star review  Three Saturdays' rides have been wonderful for the beginner like me. Nice group n club.

    Bharat Thakur Avatar Bharat Thakur
    May 27, 2017

    5 star review  Great gang! I started biking with the team on 13th May. Had a small injury, I felt really cared by the way team treated me. Will soon join the gang for a ride

    Amitav Ash Avatar Amitav Ash
    May 26, 2017

    5 star review  One of the largest and the most caring of cycling clubs with support of the senior riders to the newbies...

    Biplav Chatterjee Avatar Biplav Chatterjee
    May 25, 2017