ncc post


Cycling as an activity helps to strengthen our cardiovascular muscles. A person who practices cycling on a regular basis has fewer chances of suffering from any heart diseases in his/her life span.

Cycling provides multiple benefits to the human body. A person dealing with stress and anxiety can start cycling to fight it.

People having problem in joint movement or frozen knees can take up cycling and improve their stiff joint problems.

Let’s talk about some technical points about cycling –

Riding an efficient bike makes your body efficient, the energy produced in the body will get used efficiently.

So how can we make our bike efficient?

  1. Proper saddle height. (Measured from to your waist)
  2. The correct distance between handlebar and saddle
  3. Proper tyre pressure (As mentioned by the manufacturer)
  4. Pedalling with your toes but not with the middle of the foot.
  5. Check that your brakes do not rub against the wheel when left unengaged.

Having met these technical bits of your bike will make your ride more enjoyable and efficient, thus leading to a healthy you.

Cycling basically helps to keep your mind and body fresh, better coordination with your own body enhances your reflexes and makes your heart strong.

If taken as a sport, it has a whole new bag of information and skills which one needs to understand.

Some important information that a cyclist should know-

It can be categorises according to the type of cycling one undertakes, be it an endurance rider, a racer or a leisure cyclist.

  1. Athletes should monitor their heart rates and the zones in which they ride.
  2. They should also keep a track of their FTP’s (Functional Threshold Power) which is basically an indicator of their average and peak powers that their bodies can produce.
  3. One of the key roles in the sport of cycling is measured by the nutrition undertaken by the cyclists, either it is carbohydrates for energy or proteins for the recovery!

Now, let’s talk about how cycling helps in fighting certain health issues in the human body –

1. Cancer and cycling-

Researchers have found a relationship between cancer and cycling, especially colon and breast cancer. Researches have shown that bowel cancer can be reduced with the help of cycling.

2. Diabetes and cycling-

Diabetes is a fast-growing public disease which hampers a major part of the population. This disease is majorly caused because of the lack of physical movement. Taking up cycling for 30 minutes daily can reduce the rate of diabetic patients by 40%.

3. Mental illness and cycling-

Mental issues like stress, depression and anxiety can be reduced with the help of short spins on your bike daily!

4. Obesity and weight control –

Cycling is a good way to reduce weight and control certain parameters of your body. Regular cycling can help a person reduce weight and avert obesity. Regular cycling helps to increase the body metabolism rate, which intern helps in the cutting of body fats. The intensity of your bike affects the kilojoules you burn in terms of body fat.

An Overview.

Cycling helps a person physically, mentally and economically. With the rising pollution levels and increasing petroleum rates, cycling is turning out to be the most healthy and economical way of commuting. People can take this up as a sport or for fitness, and help themselves remain fit leading a healthy life.

Go ride your bike! Ride for that smile!

Comments (1)

  1. Raghvendra :

    Please share next coming event of this weekend.
    M no 9971178866

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  • 5 star review  NCC - the name is synonymous with zeal and passion of the ever growing cycling community in Noida. This platform not only helps the regular riders but also aims in strengthening the amateur riders like me. It's a delight to be a part of weekend rides, which include riders from all ages. While someone has rightly mentioned: 'Four wheels move the body, two-wheels ride the soul' I would like to add to this by saying, " Riding two-wheels with engine is easy.The real power comes when you paddle and become its engine." That's what cycling does to you. Noida Cycling Club is not just a community to increase number of riders, it ensure the safety, comfort and building confidence in all its members to have a prodigious riding experience. Well done to the ride coordinators, who act as the back bone of this Club.

    Priyanka Kumar Avatar Priyanka Kumar
    January 24, 2018

    5 star review  NCC is professionally run by very very passionate members on a more than voluntary basis. Enjoy being a part of the club which enjoyes the presence of Randoneurs and Super- Randoneurs..

    Sachin Deshpande Avatar Sachin Deshpande
    July 27, 2017

    5 star review  Hey . Great Cycling Club. Looking forward to Cycling Shop by Aman Puri . Cheers

    Miniondeep Singh Avatar Miniondeep Singh
    July 22, 2017
  • 5 star review  Awesome people . They organise various rides, and keep mixing and matching to get just the right combination always .

    Gupta Abhishek Avatar Gupta Abhishek
    June 25, 2017

    5 star review  Great Job Guys . Abhishek told me you fellas do a neat job. Cheers .

    Rishabh Mishra Avatar Rishabh Mishra
    June 11, 2017

    4 star review  Aman Puri , the Chief Cycling Officer runs a great YouTube page and INCUBATES certain riders to take over the mantle from him while he develops his branded/customised biking store in Noida . There are certain issues within NCC members w.r.t leadership roles but that merely causes a rating of 4/5 nothing else. Their WhatsApp group is very strict too, think a hundred times before clicking on the link to add yourself. Thanks . Hope this helped .

    Manny Singh Khalsa Avatar Manny Singh Khalsa
    May 28, 2017
  • 5 star review  Three Saturdays' rides have been wonderful for the beginner like me. Nice group n club.

    Bharat Thakur Avatar Bharat Thakur
    May 27, 2017

    5 star review  Great gang! I started biking with the team on 13th May. Had a small injury, I felt really cared by the way team treated me. Will soon join the gang for a ride

    Amitav Ash Avatar Amitav Ash
    May 26, 2017

    5 star review  One of the largest and the most caring of cycling clubs with support of the senior riders to the newbies...

    Biplav Chatterjee Avatar Biplav Chatterjee
    May 25, 2017