This article talks about 3 basic nutritional guidelines that should be followed by a cyclist to ride long distances and keep up with their performance.
Focus on :
- Hydration
- Recovery
- Plate organisation
- Hydration
Most athletes think that they are well hydrated, but on the contrary, they are not. It is important to get enough fluids in your system, and the best way to check that is to keep a track of the colour of your urine in the morning. If your urine colour is similar to apple juice or darker, then you need to consume more fluids.
Different people lose water and sweat at different rates, so don’t limit yourself to the standard 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Focus on eating vegetables, fruits, yoghurt, milk, etc. as they are hidden sources of fluids that should be also added to your daily diet.
- Recovery
Recommended: Eat a snack consisting of protein and carbs immediately post-exercise as your muscles can best absorb and utilise the proteins and carbs within the first 15 minutes post-exercise. Your muscles need to recharge and reload, so having a snack post-exercise is very important.
Example: Have a sports drink with carbs and protein (Try Steadfast Nutrition Power Protein )
- Plate organisation
Crabs are the best fuel for an exercising muscle. You may eat a lot of protein, but carbs help you to prepare for cycling that extra mile. Include high-quality carbs in your training diet like whole grain, milk, vegetables, fruits, etc. You may not even need a vitamin supplement if you eat a lot of high-quality carbs. Your plate should be filled with high-quality plant-based foods.
Tip: Don’t forget to recharge on the race day
You need a carb source every hour of the race to fuel yourself so depending on your pace and length of the race include a carb-based food like a banana or a sports drink with protein to reach your optimum performance during the race.
These guidelines work well for both collegiate and professional athletes or endurance and amateur athletes.
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